Proximity to nature
"It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living"
- Sir David Attenborough
Our boutique hotel co-exists within an ecosystem - The trees, the streams, birds, insects, mammals, reptiles and fish were all here long before us. They are to an extent, our hosts, and we are their guests! The sounds, the colours and the shapes of raw nature provide unrivalled therapeutic benefits in an increasingly concrete world. The nature around us is a key part of our guest experience and holds something exciting for everyone who visits us. It is our sincere wish that this ecosystem remains at this property, long after we are gone too.

Fauna and Flora
A diverse range of flowering / non-flowering plants and trees that simply cannot be replicated in a man-made environment without high costs, is available to experience within a 5 Acre property.
Ebony and Nedun trees (Endangered), Jakfruit, Mango, Durian, Mangosteen, Rambutan, Papaya, Cocoa, Coffee, Coconut and Kitul grow naturally here, often intertwined by flowering lianas.
At the floor and under canopy levels of this rainforest setting: you find orchids, peace lilies, monstera, torchflowers, coral beans, carnivorous pitcher plants, lobster claws and many more.
A living, breathing
An early morning wakeup call courtesy of birdsong, Eagles flying above the property on the hunt for prey, leaves falling around you like cascading rainfall due to a gust of wind, the ever present sound of flowing water from the adjacent Liyan Oya waterway, an evening orchestra performed by mating Cicadas - These are some of the sensory delights our guests experience due to our unique evergreen rainforest wetland setting.